About Me

Thanks for reading my blog! I'm a freelance writer; mother of two active and imaginative boys, Jacob and Drew; wife to a crazy, kid-at-heart youth minister named Andy; and owner of a pint-sized pooch, Rocket.

While staying at home with my boys, I do freelance writing for a variety of formats including web, print, radio, and television. In addition to Raising Batman, I also write the official blog for Stuffies® (America's favorite plush toy with 7 secret pockets) at ProjectPlaytime.com.

I started this blog because friends and family enjoyed reading the stories and conversations about the boys that I posted on Facebook. Raising Batman became a way to tell longer stories and share the funny side of life with kids.


  1. Dear Becky,

    My name is Lindsay Hall and I am a senior undergraduate student studying advertising at the University of Georgia. As part of our capstone advertising campaigns class, we are responsible for developing a full advertising campaign for our client. Part of this includes conducting primary research.

    We are working with the corporate office at Build-A-Bear and our target is mothers with young children. Based on your blog’s success, we wanted to reach out to you in hopes that you would pass on our survey to your followers. All answers and information will be treated anonymously and will not be published. We believe you and your followers could provide us with some valuable insights into your demographic that would help us and Build-A-Bear better cater to your needs.

    Here is the link to our survey:


    Please feel free to contact me at 404-539-2988 with any questions or concerns you may have. We would love to work with you!


    Lindsay Hall

    1. Hi Lindsay,
      Thanks for your note! Would you mind shooting me a message with your email address so I can ask a few questions about your project? I added a "contact me" page to make communication easier so you don't have to put your email address on a public page. Thanks!


  2. I'm so glad I came across your blog! I found it on Top Mommy Blogs. Your posts are so funny... I especially love the Conversations with Batman! I'm new to blogging so feel free to visit me at www.highheels2hiddentoys.com

    I look forward to reading more about Batman! :)


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